Grape Industry in Ontario

What We Grow

Ontario is the country’s leading grape producer, accounting for about 60% - 70% of all Canadian production. The Niagara Peninsula accounts for over 93% of Ontario's grape-growing volume.

We grow the wines you love in summer

and Autumn

and Winter

In Ontario, we grow a wide array of grapes for wine, juice, grape products (jams, jellies, preserves) and fresh market consumption. This diversity of production reflects the ability of Ontario growers to meet market demands and provide a wide selection of commercial cultivars (cultivated varieties) for use by all sectors. It is important to understand the history of grapes and the many species involved in Ontario grape production.


The world’s highest quality wine grapes belong to a species of grapes known as Vitis vinifera (commonly referred to as Vinifera), which are native to Europe. In Ontario, the majority of commercial wine grape species are viniferas, and include varieties like Chardonnay, Cabernet, Gamay, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Riesling, etc.

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Fruit and Vegetable News Release

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New interactive map connects consumers to more than 2,300 retailers across Ontario, including more than 1,000 local producers

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Celebrity Luncheon Speaker Media Release

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